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Clear n tuff clear flexible cyanoacrylate glue cyano adhesive, rubber toughened flexy superglue ca

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Home > Cyanoacrylate super glue, Cyano Adhesives > Clear`n`tuff Clear flexible cyano glue rubber toughened cyanoacrylate flexy superglue ca adhesive


Clear flexible rubber toughened cyanoacrylate

High impact medium thickness clear flexible cyanoacrylate adhesive, for super strength impact resistant bonds on virtually all surfaces, bonds in 5 to 10 seconds, remains flexible after set so ideal for anything from rigid heavy items such as aluminium frameworks to flexible jobs such as car seats, wetsuits and shoe repairs

Clear flexy cyano glue in a 20g bottle with long non clog nozzle

Super resistant to high shocks and impact forces

ideal for metal, plastics, stone, leather, composites etc

Remains flexible also ideal for use on flexible materials such as rubber seals , clothes, leather, grp,

Ideal for car trim

Ideal for modelling applications, model rc car tyres to rims and plastic repairs to grp , composites and plastics

Extra high strength on all materials



In bottle with `non-cog` tip

cure time of about 10 to 30 seconds

Ideal for extra strong structural bonds to metals plastics, composites etc.

Model car tyres, model boat hulls to decks, rc aero models grp to grp or grp or carbon to wood or metal etc,

Ideal for repairs to plastics on cars, great for bonding metal and plastic trim

Good bonds on plastics such as ABS ideal for body panels / bumpers,

Ideal for snooker  / pool cues and fishing rod grp or carbon repairs but will bond almost any material as well

Technical Data

Base Chemical Modified Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
Appearance colourless clear to  cloudy
Components single part no mixing
Viscosity 800-1000cP
Shelf Life Upto 7 years in cool dark place


(Brookfield  LVF 25 °C ) mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 1, speed 30 rpm

800-1000 cP
Shear Strength ISO4587 30 N/mm2 ( 4330 psi)
Specific gravity at 25 degrees C 1.1
Cure Speed once parts held in place 10-30 seconds
Solvent content NONE
Water Content NONE

Product has high resistance to most solvents, alcohols, water and oils with typical temperature resistance in tests of -85C to + 175C

MPN: CA012Z20
Posting Weight: 0.02kg

Our Price: £4.99
In Stock
Clear`N`Tuff™ Clear flexible rubber toughend cyanoacrylate High impact medium thickness clear flexible cyanoacrylate adhesive, for super strength impact resistant bonds on virtualy all surfaces, bonds in 5 to 10 seconds, remains flexible

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