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Cyanoacrylate glue filler cyano powder for cyano glue superglue structural filler powder kapow 40g

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Structural cyano filler powder, high strength filler for use with all superglues and cyanoacrylates


A specially formulated activated cyano filler powder to give structural repairs when used with any cyanoacrylate / superglue adhesives and glues

Simply apply KAPOW to the area to be reinforced, built up or filled and when in the correct place, apply thin cyanoacrylate / superglue adhesive, the Kapow will set rapidly to form a tough plastic / ceramic composite that can be drilled, tapped, sanded and painted etc to repair any surface metal, plastic or wood etc.

40g Kapow

Posting Weight: 0.08kg

Our Price: £3.99
In Stock

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